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Abu Dhabi
October 29, 2022

Principal’s Message - September

At GIIS, Abu Dhabi we keep students at the forefront of every decision we make. We are committed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and wisdom necessary to have a successful future. We foster a mindset where all students will learn to face challenges with confidence and perseverance.  And most of all, every child will be valued and cared for who they are with us.


September witnessed a different range of activities across Grades. The zenith of the month was welcoming our first batch of Pre-KG students. It was great to see them getting comfortable with their educators and peers and embarking on their journey towards a wonderful educational experience.


Kindergarten students participated in different interactive activities focusing on the 5 pillars of Global Montessori Plus (GMP). Students engaged in Teacher’s Day assembly, celebrated Peace Day with class activities, attended Wellness Assembly led by parents of KG students who are working in the medical department, commemorated Anti-Bullying week along with learning sustainable living through Eco-talk activity.


Primary Grade students celebrated Hindi Diwas through varied colorful events to mark the value of Hindi language. Students attended assemblies and participated in various competitions as a part of Hindi Diwas celebrations. Students also engaged in Teachers Day celebrations, Peace Day activities along with attending a mindful session conducted by School Counselor about ‘Good Touch and Bad Touch’. At GIIS, we focus on the social and emotional well-being of students by teaching them to mindfully respond in different social situations.


Middle and High-grade students celebrated Hindi Diwas, Teacher’ Day and different engaging activities with great zeal. Half-yearly exams were also conducted from Grade 1 - 12.


A special appreciation to our students Talha, Aarav, Daniel, Iziyaan and Samuel for their active participation in Panorama-22: Blurring Divides organized by Dunes International. I would also like to congratulate Vidvath Aravind for securing third position in the Swim Event organized by Abu Dhabi sports council and Advay Rajesh for securing 3rd position in the intercontinental  Spellbee Competition.


Al-Tasamuh is coming up, where students from different schools exhibit their skills at GIIS campus along with our students being a part of it. Looking forward to many more activities, events and academic enrichment programs scheduled in the coming months ahead. I extend my heartfelt gratitude for sharing your constant support in all of our endeavors.


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